Defining BIM
Building Information Modelling (BIM) involves the creation of a 3D virtual model of a building or structure containing data about the elements contained within.
Building It relates to the built environment
Information It contains information
Modelling It is a 3D virtual model
Image: A key component of BIM is consolidating project information, plans and model into a single database with the aim of achieving consistency, accuracy and efficiency.
Value of BIM
BIM is used to improve coordination and communication among different project participants to provide tangible benefits to stakeholders.
The benefits of BIM can be realised throughout the lifecycle of a project from early design through to management of the building.
The value of any BIM is only as good as the quality of the data contained within and the opportunities for it’s use.
BIM Use Opportunities
BIM has various opportunities to be integrated into the way projects are delivered throughout the project lifecycle from programming to construction and facilities management. Appropriate application of BIM is relative to project requirements.
bimco’s services includes identifying uses applicable to you and assisting to implement and achieve BIM goals.
The following opportunities are available for integrating BIM into the stages of the project delivery.
Image: BIM applications in a Project Lifecycle. Common elements of a BIM deliverable are marked blue.